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Writer's pictureLauren Tansel

A Comprehensive Guide to Kundalini Activation

I hope that this guide will help you understand what kundalini activation is or deepen your current understanding of it and to help reconcile any misconceptions. Kundalini is a powerful force within us all and all around us that when awoken holds the potential for deep emotional healing, expansion and transformation.


Table of contents



1. What is Kundalini Energy?

Before we talk about kundalini activation, we need to first understand what kundalini energy is. Kundalini is an aspect of the primordial cosmic creative force that created all of existence, from the cosmos, the billons of galaxies and our planet to our very own body. This cosmic creative force known as shakti animates all of life. Kundalini is our own unique spark of shakti which lies dormant at the base of our spine. When kundalini is dormant, a condensed version of it called prana, chi or lifeforce maintains our basic bodily functions.


a - Kundalini Symbolism

The concept of kundalini originates from yogic and tantric traditions and is symbolised as a coiled serpent at the base of our spine. The coiled serpent symbol represents how the energy is coiled in its dormant state and the uncoiling signifies the unfolding of human potential and the awakening of higher consciousness. The serpent can also represent how the movement and motion of energy moves through the body.


b - Other Representations of Serpent Symbolism

In some religions the serpent has been symbolised to represent a demonic or evil force, like in the story of the garden of Eden, this can lead individuals to believe kundalini is evil. However, in eastern traditions the snake has been a powerful symbol representing transformation, healing, and renewal for thousands of years.


2. What is Kundalini Activation?

Kundalini activation refers to kundalini being activated from her dormant state. As she makes her way through the chakra system, she ignites a clearing and purification process where trapped emotions, energies, unconscious programming and traumas are felt through and transmuted creating space for a truer expression of you to come into being. She not only clears out the old but also unleashes each of our energy centres potential helping us remember who we truly are as expressions of the divine in human form.  As she moves through and creates balance within us, she makes her way to the crown chakra to unite with shiva - the divine masculine consciousness, creating union and wholeness in our being. It is important to know that Kundalini activation differs from a full kundalini awakening.


a - What is Kundalini Awakening?

Kundalini can be awake from her dormant state yet not reached the crown chakra. A full Kundalini awakening is when kundalini has moved through the system and reached the crown chakra. When she reaches the crown chakra, she unites with shiva, the divine masculine cosmic consciousness and nondual states of unity are experienced.


b - Two Paths to Kundalini Activation


Right hand path

The more traditional and known path to awaken our lifeforce or kundalini is the right-hand path. This is the path of practicing kundalini yoga, yoga asana, chanting, meditation and breathwork practices to enhance and increase prana-shakti. It is a more masculine energetic approach of actively doing, using our will and self-discipline to increase our life force energy.


Left hand path

The left-hand path is the path of surrendering to the creative force that is within us. It is a more feminine energic approach that involves completely letting go of doing anything and allowing ourselves to trust in this divine energy to activate and flow through us.


c - How Kundalini Activation Journeys Connects to our Autonomic Nervous System States


When the parasympathetic nervous system is active, we are in a rest and digest state and feel a sense of calm and safety within our mind and body. However, a lot of us are functioning from a sympathetic nervous system state (fight, flight & freeze) where we are constantly doing, feel defensive, unsafe, or are unconsciously looking out for the next potential threat. When our nervous system is predominately functioning from states of survival it can supress the movement and flow of kundalini. This means creating a felt sense of safety within and regulating our nervous system to be more balanced can aid in creating the inner conditions allowing the flow of energy, as our parasympathetic nervous system state is linked to our ability to surrender.


3. Kundalini Activation Benefits

There many potential benefits you can experience; I will list some below:


  • Deep emotional healing

  • Repressed and trapped emotions being processed and transmuted clearing the way to a truer expression of you

  • Insights, perspective shifts and the breaking of long held disempowering patterns of thinking and being

  • A growing relationship towards yourself of unconditional love

  • Opening to unconditional love for others

  • Increased openness to new possibilities and personal potential

  • Increased energy and vitality

  • Experiencing more pleasure and joy in being and living

  • Clarity on your purpose

  • A growing of presence and becoming more embodied, meaning you live less from your head and more from your heart

  • Enhanced creativity, intuition and awakening of dormant gifts

  • A personal sense of power arising from within

  • Liberation of your sexual energy and awakening of sensuality

  • Remembering your essence and divine nature

  • A growing relationship of trust and love with life and the divine

  • Feeling your interconnectedness with all life and the universe


4. How Kundalini Activation Journeys Work - The Conditions

Amplification of Prana-shakti

A Kundalini activation facilitator brings into the space the amplification of prana-shakti or life force energy. As the facilitator embodies and holds the enhanced frequency of their own prana-shakti individuals receiving begin to attune and resonate to the amplified energy activating their own innate prana-shakti to whatever degree they are ready for.


Bravewave shifting music

A playlist is created with brainwave shifting sounds to help turn down the analytical and logical thinking left-brain and open up the more creative and relaxed right-brain. This helps us drop into altered states where we feel in-between dreaming and awake called the dreaming awake state. This helps to turn down our habitual thinking, drops us into our body and creates the space for healing.


Sound vibrations and light language

As the fabric of existence is made up of vibrating energy, sound vibrations are used as a tool to deepen the experience. Healing sounds, frequencies and vibrations can come through from the facilitator such as toning, humming, hissing and as an ancient sounding language.



Surrendering means to let go of control, including letting go of any expectations, any desires for a particular experience and internal resistances. It means to loosen our grip, soften into our resistance and melt into our hearts. To trust that what is going to happen is meant to be, letting go of the reigns and surrendering to the flow of our innate divine essence. Believing in the intelligence of our bodies wisdom and allowing ourselves to be with whatever is arising in the moment. The building of our ability to surrender deepens the more we practice, it is just like building muscle, it takes time, practice and a lot of repetition but with consistency it grows. Naturally it takes time for our mind, body and nervous system to feel and remember that it is safe to surrender and open.


5. What Does Kundalini Activation Feel Like?

Below I have listed what you might experience during a kundalini activation journey:


Energetic sensations

With the increase in prana-shakti and lifeforce you might experience sensations of energy moving through the body. You might feel vibrations of energy moving in ripples, waves, tingling and air bubbles, or feel sensations of being hugged by the energy.


Internal sensations

You might experience internal sensations in parts of your body such as constriction, tightness, heaviness, feeling cold, warmth or intense heat as the energy works to burn away stagnancy and blockages.


Spontaneous movements

As the energy moves and works through energetic contractions or knots it can cause spontaneous movements that originate from the body rather than the mind. The movements can range from jerking, shaking, twitching, yoga postures to flowing and dancing movements.


The jerking and shaking can be subtle or become quite vigorous as repressed energy from trauma is being transmuted and released. These types of movements can sometimes be misinterpreted as demonic, but really it is the unburdening of traumatic energy held within the autonomic nervous system and a part of the purifying and cleansing process.


Emotional expression and releases

You may experience different emotional expressions and releases. For example, you might feel years of pent-up anger or deep sadness, grief, shame, fear, and emotions you didn’t consciously know you had as kundalini works to transmute what is buried in the subconscious and the body. You also might experience pure joy, bliss, love and uncontrollable laughter.


When we experience emotional expressions, we want to try and soften into the experience especially into the emotions which are uncomfortable allowing the full expression to be experienced and moved through. Also, sometimes we may not know what the emotion is connected too, but we do not need to, what is more important is that the emotion has been felt and liberated.


Visions and downloads

You might experience seeing colours, have an inward healing journey, visions or have creative ideas or downloads streaming in.


Stillness and beingness

You might experience states of stillness, a sense of merging and expanding, peace, beingness and unity.


Fall asleep

You might fall asleep and that is totally ok, your body likely needs rest, and the energy is still working even when you are not awake.



You might not experience anything or have a more subtle experience especially the first few times as the body attunes to the energy, and you begin to build safety within yourself to surrender deeper. Also, some people don’t experience much during but notice insights and perspective shifts following the sessions.  


A chattering and active mind

This is to be expected and when we become aware of it we can practice softening into the resistance instead of fighting it and come back to deep full breaths to anchor back into our body and hearts. The more we practice this, the more we are building the neural connections in our brain, making it easier with time. 


6. What Happens During a Kundalini Activation Journey

First you will be guided to lie down on a yoga mat or a comfortable surface and then guided into a relaxed state dropping your awareness inwards. Then brainwave shifting sounds will be played helping you shift into an altered dreaming awake state and the amplification of prana-shakti will be held with intention by the facilitator. After the activation you will have the opportunity to put your experience into words and share and ask questions assisting with integration.


The changes in your daily life are more Important than what happens during a session


During kundalini activation sessions what happens during can be seen as a microcosm of the macrocosm. Meaning that what we experience and learn during the activation we can begin to embody in our life. For example, if we have an experience of unconditional love towards all of the different parts of ourselves during an activation, we may start to naturally embody that in our life, but it can also take conscious effort to practice this new way of being when the old ways sneak back in. Another example is experiencing an opening to feeling uncomfortable emotions during a session and beginning to embody that in your daily life, and then you might feel a pull to push certain emotions away, distract or numb yourself as old patterns challenge you to allow yourself to feel and sit with the discomfort in a new way. As magical and profound the experiences can be during a session, we must remember the more important part is the integrating of insights into our daily life and who we become in the process.



7. Is Kundalini Activation Dangerous?

In kundalini activation journeys we are not using force to move the energy meaning that the process will unfold, and you will experience only what you are ready to experience. The masculine right-hand path, when practiced with awareness and intention is also safe. However, it may become overwhelming if you are trying to force the energy to rise through will and practices without developing the nervous system capacity to hold the energy itself and hold what it may bring up emotionally. It is not a process to be rushed or forced, but rather a process to approach with intention, curiosity and respect and as a continuing unfolding of learning, growth and expansion.


8. Challenges with Kundalini Activation


Uncomfortable and confronting

Kundalini activation can be a highly uncomfortable and confronting process as old stagnant energies, emotions and false identifies, get stirred up to be processed, expressed, felt through and transmuted making the way for the new. This can mean sitting through years of built up repressed emotional pain, facing uncomfortable truths and the questioning of who we truly are.



The many changes you can begin to experience within yourself can lead to a changing in your relationships. If relationships are not in true alignment with you, they may start to change or fall away. But as this happens space is created for new relationships that are more in alignment.



You might also experience changes in how you want to live and your lifestyle choices. You might begin to care for your body more and feel less inclined to drink as much alcohol as you used to or want to eat healthier foods. You might find it difficult to work in a job that is no longer in alignment with who you are. You might feel a desire to connect deeply with others rather than on a more superficial level.


Kundalini activation is a beautiful and transformational journey that guides us back to who we truly are as we let go of all that we are not. Although parts of the journey are beautiful, it can also be a highly uncomfortable process as old stagnant energies, emotions and false identifies, get stirred up to be processed, expressed, felt through and transmuted, clearing the space for truth and liberation.



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