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Kundalini & Life Force Activation and Emotional Healing Experience

Online and in person in Romford, Essex, London

All you need to do is lie down and surrender as an amplification of Prana-shakti/ Kundalini-shakti is held along with brainwave shifting music creating the conditions for your innate life force to activate by resonance to the degree you're ready for. 

Let go of old patterns, false identities and disempowering ways of thinking

Transmute and alchemise repressed emotions keeping you feeling stuck 

Grow a relationship towards yourself of unconditional love 

Feel a personal sense of power arising from within

Remember your essence and divine nature 

Become a truer expression of you

Feel alive 


There are so many potential benefits you could experience; I will list some below:


  • Deep emotional healing 

  • Repressed and trapped emotions being processed and transmuted clearing the way to a truer expression of you

  • Insights, perspective shifts and the breaking of long held disempowering patterns of thinking and being 

  • A growing relationship towards yourself of unconditional love 

  • Opening to unconditional love for others

  • Increased openness to new possibilities and personal potential 

  • Increased energy and vitality

  • Experiencing more pleasure and joy in being and living 

  • Clarity on your purpose 

  • A growing of presence and becoming more embodied, meaning you live less from your head and more from your heart 

  • Enhanced creativity, intuition and awakening of dormant gifts 

  • A personal sense of power arising from within

  • Liberation of your sexual energy and awakening of sensuality

  • Remembering your essence and divine nature 

  • A growing relationship of trust and love with life and the divine 

  • Feeling your interconnectedness with all life and the universe

What you might experience

With the increase in Kundalini-shakti and lifeforce you might experience sensations of energy moving through the body, like vibrations, tingling, ripples, air bubbles.


When the energy works through contractions and blockages there can be spontaneous gentle to vigorous movements like jerking, shaking, twitching, yoga postures to flowing and dancing movements.

You may experience different emotional expressions and releases. For example, you might feel years of pent-up anger or deep sadness, grief, shame, fear, and emotions you didn’t consciously know you had as kundalini works to transmute what is buried in the unconscious and the body. You also might experience pure joy, bliss, love and uncontrollable laughter. 

You might experience internal sensations in parts of your body such as constriction, tightness, heaviness, feeling cold, warmth or intense heat as the energy works to burn away stagnancy and blockages. 

You might experience visions or seeing colours, have an inward healing journey, or have creative ideas or downloads streaming in. 


You might experience states of stillness, a sense of merging and expanding, peace and beingness. 


You might not experience much or have a more subtle experience especially the first few times as the body attunes to the energy, and you begin to build safety within yourself to surrender deeper.

How does it work online?

Kundalini activation journeys work the same online as they do in person. This energy animates all life, it is beyond the laws of traditional physics of space and time, but aligns with quantum physics and non local communication. Some people prefer working online and some in person, this is down to your personal preference. 

If you would like to read more about what kundalini energy is, how kundalini activation journeys work and more information click here to read my comprehensive guide to Kundalini activation.

Who Kundalini Activation isn't suitable for

Kundalini Activation isn't suitable for anyone with epilepsy or a history of seizuresIt also may not be suitable for individuals who suffer from severe post-traumatic stress syndrome (PTSD), bipolar, severe anxiety attacks, a history of mania, delusion, or psychosis, or any other severe mental or emotional issues. If you suffer or have suffered from any of the above mentioned symptoms please get in contact with me prior to booking so we can chat about whether this modality is suitable for you. 


  • 90-minute kundalini activation and healing journey 

  • Embodiment practice before the activation

  • Time to share and ask any questions


Please get in touch prior to booking to check times and availability. You can reach me at

After booking you will receive an email guiding you in how to prepare for the session and aftercare guidance. 

For any questions or inquiries feel free to reach out ​​

Book Below 

Introductory offer until the end of Jan

Kundalini Activation Journey



Online or in-person

in person sessions will be held in Romford, London.

What Your Experience

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